Saturday, September 6, 2014

Crawl in, sit in sandpit - should I stay or should I go?

So Summer is pretty much over and our crawl in, sit in sandpit that we created a couple of months ago is looking a bit waterlogged and soggy!  So the question is do we keep it..... The official sweeper upper 'my hubby and co-childminder, Mr Caterpillars' has been grumbling about the amount of sand finding itself into the house and our assistant has even reported it in her hair in the shower!  I am, however, reluctant to let it go!  None of us can deny that it has been the source of much pleasure for all the children.  They absolutely love it and what an area for learning and development....It has been used for imaginative play, for counting, for finding, for digging, for making sand castles and to be honest just a really good sensory resource.  Even on a wet day they gravitate straight to it and have no hesitation in jumping in whatever it's consistency!  Surprisingly no parents have complained despite it being in everyone's shoes, nappies, socks and all manner of other places.  Probably because they have seen the photos I have sent of their children having so much fun.  I think we will keep it as long as we can, after all it has taken on a whole new personna now it's a bit wetter and I can envisage many more learning opportunities in it's wet state! If it really becomes unmanageable then I am keen to cover it with a decking lid which can be removed on fine days - #somethingforyoutobuildmrcaterpillars
We'll see how it goes....... 

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