Sunday, January 26, 2014

Question number 2 to the DfE - Answers on Childminding Agencies required please

Question number 2 for the DfE regarding Childminder Agencies is "If you are registered with an agency and that agency ceases to exist either by choice or worse still because for some reason it does not continue to meet the required quality standards (whatever they turn out to be), where does that leave the individual childminders within it?"

If the have relinquished their right to an individual Ofsted registration then surely they could not immediately practise again as an Ofsted registered childminder could they? What are their options - can they immediately join another agency (if there is one to join) or do they have to go through the whole registration process to become a childminder again?

What happens to an individual childminder's reputation if the agency, for some reason, does not meet the required standard?  I don't really need the DfE to answer this one, I already know the answer.  Building up a reputation as a Childminder is the most important bit of marketing that you will ever do, it is certainly not something I would be willing to put at risk. 

Please don't tell me that it unlikely that a Childminding Agency would fold because stranger things have happened!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Questions to the DfE.....

Even after the DfE co-hosted the #EYtalking session on Tuesday, there are still so many questions that we need answered regarding childminding agencies and the future for us as independent childminders.  In fact they didn't really answer any questions on childminder agencies at all!

Bearing in mind that they will be expecting childminders to actually sign up to these agencies in September, and nobody is going to do that without knowing all the facts, could they please come up with answers to some of our questions? 

Question 1 - So if a childminder joins an agency and relinquishes their right to an individual inspection by Ofsted, they are are then presumably not an Ofsted Registered Childminder anymore?  What happens then if they are approached by a family outside of the agency?  Presumably they would not be able to take that business? Or does the fact that you are registered with an agency also entitle you to take on any other business as well?
If it is the former then agency childminders will be completely reliant on the agency for their business.....

BBC News - Agency childminders would have Ofsted opt-out

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Steam coming from my ears listening to Jeremy Vine Show about raising the National Minimum Wage

Whilst driving to drop one of the Little Caterpillars off home I happened to catch the tail end of a debate going on about raising the National Minimum Wage.  In complete agreement with caller Margaret (if you were listening) that this will most certainly have an adverse effect on micro businesses like mine.  I have been pretty proud of myself for developing my business to such an extent that I am in a position to employ other people but I could have just as easily decided not to expand and continue to work alone and this would almost certainly been the case if the minimum wage we're set so that it didn't make it worth my while.  As it happens I have created a job for someone in my local area which although a drop in the ocean is a small part that I  doing to reduce the unemployment figures.  So would it better for me to employ someone on a low wage or not employ them at all?
Some callers we're talking about the NMW not being adequate for people to live on - well surely this depends on the person - everyone has different circumstances and not everyone has household bills to pay, young people still living at home with parents for one.  For them they might just be grateful for the opportunity to get some experience and have some spending money in their pocket.  With the right employer this might just give them the right set up for life.  Then some callers mentioned exploitation - really?  Well I can't really speak for huge companies, making huge profits and yes morally they should take a look at themselves but for those us who are making very modest profits it's not that we don't want to pay more it is simply that it doesn't make business sense to do so.  I can assure you that I am not sitting on a big pile of money and paying the NMW just because I want to keep it all to myself!  My views on people going for jobs on any wage or indeed those going for zero hour contracts is that you have the choice to do so.  No-one forces someone to go for a job on a low wage or on a zero hours contract they can always go for another job or not go for one at all - that's their prerogative  and I think it should be mine to decide what I pay them.  Some callers thought that having a NMW was actually detrimental because some employers opt to pay the legal minimum because they can.  I agree with this too - I would prefer to see it left to market forces.  Clearly in order to be paid more you would have to prove your worth which is not a bad thing.  My final point is that being self-employed gives you no right to any NMW whatsoever - whilst I built my business up I worked for way way less than the minimum wage for about 18 months. I persevered, worked hard and long hours and it came good.  These are the traits and the work ethic that we should be instilling in the workforce of today.  I will always endeavour to employ the best quality people and I know that this will mean paying them a decent wage so together the team and I will work build the business to the point where this is possible.  Let's hope we are not stopped in our tracks as we strive to get to that point.