Friday, November 14, 2014

My thoughts on an email from Ed Miliband

It is not really my style, or in my business interest, to start getting political BUT at the end of the day we are all going to be faced with important choices to be made in the forthcoming months about who we want to lead us for the next few years.  As a childcare provider, mother, wife, full-time worker, self-employed person, owner of a micro business, employer, Early Years Teacher and many more hats... then I certainly have a number of issues to consider when I think about casting my vote.

Today I received a 'personalised' email from Ed Miliband #nicetouch informing me of the promises he will uphold on a range of issues.

Some looked good, a lot didn't, but what particularly infuriated me was Mr Miliband's pledge to support working parents with 25 hours of 'free childcare for three-four year olds'.  Now while I think this is a wonderful pledge to be making I wonder why Mr Miliband thinks that 3 and 4 year olds stand out for extra funding alongside every other age of child....I think he has missed the point that yes extra funding for childcare and, in particular, the Early Years would be appreciated but that working, and non-working parents for that matter, have children of all ages...

Let's take 2 year olds, for one age range.  Such a wonderful age when many are just like sponges soaking up the whole wonderful world around them.  Frightened, timid and anxious about the separation from their parents at first, understandably - BUT gradually, in the right childcare setting, self-confident, chatty, happy, relaxed, comfortable, resilient, wonderful 3 year olds, ready for the next stage in their learning..... Now Early Education for them is limited to a mere 40% of the 2 year old population, those that are 'classified' and I use the term loosely as most vulnerable but what about the rest?  Surely every 2 year deserves the opportunity for a great start in life and I would ask you not assume that their parents' income can determine this.

My point is that 3 and 4 yr olds already get 15 hours funded education as a given - not means tested, no eligibility criteria, it's just there - a great achievement but let's work toward offering more for other ages as well - I think it is short-sighted and unfair to single out 3 and 4 year olds for additional funded hours.

So on that particular point Mr Miliband, I'm out unless you broaden your age range....and I'm happy to speak to personally about my views and why.   I live and practice in your constituency of Doncaster North so I'm sure you're up here often and you're always welcome to come and talk...

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